7801 | Conflicts of Interest for IRB members, Researchers, Faculty members | | 25/08/2023 09:12:47 | |
7802 | Good Clinical Practice Course for Clinical Trials Involving Devices (international focus) | | 25/08/2023 09:13:59 | |
7803 | Good Clinical Practice (U.S. FDA Focus) | | 25/08/2023 09:14:28 | |
7804 | IRB members, Researchers, Faculty members - Basic/Refresher | | 25/08/2023 09:14:58 | |
7805 | Responsible Conduct of Research | | 25/08/2023 09:15:27 | |
7806 | Conflicts of Interest for IRB members, Researchers, Faculty members | | 25/08/2023 12:42:26 | |
7807 | GCP (ICH Focus) for IRB members, Researchers, Faculty members | | 25/08/2023 12:44:26 | |
7808 | Basic/Refresher | | 25/08/2023 12:46:20 | |
7809 | Responsible Conduct of Research | | 25/08/2023 12:47:02 | |
7810 | Citi program | | 25/08/2023 13:40:39 | |
7811 | IRB members, Researchers, Faculty members - Basic/Refresher | | 25/08/2023 14:03:57 | |
7812 | Conflicts of Interest for IRB members, Researchers, Faculty members | | 25/08/2023 14:04:53 | |
7813 | Responsible Conduct of Research for IRB members, Researchers, Faculty members | | 25/08/2023 14:05:56 | |
7814 | Good Clinical Practice Course for Clinical Trials Involving Drugs (ICH focus) for IRB members, Researchers, Faculty members | | 25/08/2023 14:10:51 | |
7815 | GCP | | 25/08/2023 15:10:48 | |
7816 | Human Research Ethics Training | | 26/08/2023 14:45:26 | |
7817 | CITIprogram | | 26/08/2023 15:12:24 | |
7818 | หลักสูตรจริยธรรมการวิจัยในคนสำหรับวิจัยด้านสังคมศาสตร์และพฤติกรรมศาสตร์ | | 26/08/2023 17:03:29 | |
7819 | หลักสูตรจริยธรรมการวิจัยในคนสำหรับวิจัยด้านวิทยาศาสตร์ประยุกต์ | | 26/08/2023 17:04:03 | |
7820 | หลักสูตรจริยธรรมการวิจัยในคนสำหรับวิจัยด้านชีวการแพทย์ | | 26/08/2023 17:04:29 | |