10521 | Residents, Research nurse, Students - Basic/Refresher | | 25/05/2024 20:06:08 | |
10522 | Responsible Conduct of Research | | 25/05/2024 20:06:54 | |
10523 | CITI Conflicts of Interest | | 25/05/2024 20:07:40 | |
10524 | Good Clinical Practice (U.S. FDA Focus) | | 25/05/2024 20:08:09 | |
10525 | Good Clinical Practice Course for Clinical Trials Involving Devices (international focus) | | 25/05/2024 20:08:53 | |
10526 | Good Clinical Practice Course for Clinical Trials Involving Drugs (ICH focus) | | 25/05/2024 20:10:05 | |
10527 | การอบรมจริยธรรมวิจัยในคน | | 26/05/2024 11:33:05 | |
10528 | หลักสูตร GCP online training (Computer-based): แนวทางการปฏิบัติการวิจัยทางคลินิกที่ดี (ICH-GCP:E6(R2)) | | 26/05/2024 11:34:05 | |
10529 | Good Clinical Practice & Human Subject Protection Training Program 2023 | | 26/05/2024 17:47:34 | |
10530 | Human Ethics Committee of Thammasat University (Medicine) GCP (ICH-GCP:E6(R2)) | | 26/05/2024 22:02:37 | |
10531 | Responsible Conduct of Research for IRB members, Researchers, Faculty members | | 27/05/2024 09:17:34 | |
10532 | Conflicts of Interest for IRB members, Researchers, Faculty members | | 27/05/2024 09:18:14 | |
10533 | IRB members, Researchers, Faculty members - Basic/Refresher | | 27/05/2024 09:19:14 | |
10534 | Standard Course in Clinical Trials & GCP training program | | 27/05/2024 12:50:18 | |
10535 | CITI-PROGRAM-Essentials of Public Health Research-1 Basic | | 27/05/2024 14:30:44 | |
10536 | Human Ethics Committee of Thammasat University (Medicine) GCP (ICH-GCP:E6(R2)) | | 27/05/2024 15:49:58 | |
10537 | CITI - Good Clinical Practice Course for Clinical Trials Involving Drugs (ICH focus) | | 27/05/2024 16:46:47 | |
10538 | CITI - Responsible Conduct of Research for Residents, Research nurses, Students | | 27/05/2024 16:48:06 | |
10539 | CITI - Residents, Research nurse, Students - Basic/Refresher | | 27/05/2024 16:49:03 | |
10540 | CITI - Conflicts of Interest for Residents, Research nurses, Students | | 27/05/2024 16:49:56 | |