9401 | Good Clinical Practice Course for Clinical Trials Involving Devices (international focus) | | 08/02/2024 15:21:31 | |
9402 | Good Clinical Practice Course for Clinical Trials Involving Drugs (ICH focus) | | 08/02/2024 15:22:09 | |
9403 | Good Clinical Practice (U.S. FDA Focus) | | 08/02/2024 15:22:55 | |
9404 | Responsible Conduct of Research | | 08/02/2024 15:23:31 | |
9405 | CITI Conflicts of Interest | | 08/02/2024 15:24:14 | |
9406 | IRB members, Researchers, Faculty members | | 08/02/2024 15:25:04 | |
9407 | หลักจริยธรรมพื้นฐานและการทบทวนพิจารณาโครงการวิจัย ด้านวิทยาศาสตร์การแพทย์และด้านสังคมศาสตร์ | | 08/02/2024 16:36:50 | |
9408 | หลักสูตร CITI | | 08/02/2024 16:54:09 | |
9409 | Citi-RCR certificate | | 08/02/2024 17:26:58 | |
9410 | Citi-irb member certificate | | 08/02/2024 17:27:50 | |
9411 | Citi-conflict of interest certificate | | 08/02/2024 17:28:38 | |
9412 | "Good Clinical Practice and Human Subject Protection Training Program 2023" | | 08/02/2024 18:06:27 | |
9413 | CITI GCP | | 08/02/2024 19:05:01 | |
9414 | Good Clinical Practice & Human Subjects Protection Training Program 2023 | | 08/02/2024 22:07:42 | |
9415 | CITI Program | | 09/02/2024 09:57:53 | |
9416 | Human Sudject Protection | | 09/02/2024 11:16:55 | |
9417 | แนวทางการปฏิบัติการวิจัยทางคลินิกที่ดี (ICH-GCP:E6(R2)) | | 09/02/2024 11:28:43 | |
9418 | Ethical issues involving research in herbal medicines | | 09/02/2024 11:30:19 | |
9419 | CITI Program | | 09/02/2024 11:36:43 | |
9420 | IRB members, Researchers, Faculty members - Basic/Refresher | | 09/02/2024 15:27:09 | |