9521 | CITI Program | | 20/02/2024 11:32:26 | |
9522 | GCP | | 20/02/2024 11:47:09 | |
9523 | Good Clinical Practice (ICH-GCP:E6(R2)) | | 20/02/2024 12:10:14 | |
9524 | Good Clinical Practice and Human Subject Protection Training Program 2022 | | 20/02/2024 12:15:28 | |
9525 | Conflicts of Interest for IRB members, Researchers, Faculty members | | 20/02/2024 13:09:53 | |
9526 | GCP (ICH Focus) for IRB members, Researchers, Faculty members | | 20/02/2024 13:10:40 | |
9527 | IRB members, Researchers, Faculty members | | 20/02/2024 13:11:59 | |
9528 | RCR for IRB members, Researchers, Faculty members | | 20/02/2024 13:13:11 | |
9529 | GCP online training (computer based) | | 20/02/2024 14:13:35 | |
9530 | Good Clinical Practice & Human Subject Protection Training Program 2023 | | 20/02/2024 15:20:11 | |
9531 | Good Clinical Practice & Human Subject Protection Training Program 2022 | | 20/02/2024 16:48:44 | |
9532 | การปฏิบัติการทางคลินิกที่ดีและจริยธรรมการวิจัยในมนุษย์ปี 2023 | | 20/02/2024 22:21:44 | |
9533 | "Good Clinical Practice of Human Subject Protection Training Program 2023" | | 21/02/2024 01:26:20 | |
9534 | GCP_ICH | | 21/02/2024 10:33:12 | |
9535 | CITI Program | | 21/02/2024 11:15:38 | |
9536 | GCP (ICH focus) | | 21/02/2024 12:43:35 | |
9537 | GCP (International focus) | | 21/02/2024 12:43:54 | |
9538 | GCP (US FDA focus) | | 21/02/2024 12:44:08 | |
9539 | IRB member | | 21/02/2024 12:44:25 | |
9540 | GCP (U.S. FDA Focus) for Residents, Research nurses, Students | | 22/02/2024 06:50:31 | |